KIND is a comic book series using manipulated photographs to create a unique storytelling experience.  Each issue centers around a new person and a biographical story in which an act of kindness occurs, sometimes spontaneously, others intentionally.  

Below are possible covers.
Here is the first prototype layout for a 2 page spread.  The words read from top to bottom and right to left because Grace's story has to do with being Japanese-American.  I like combining elements of modern art, typography and illustration to reflect some of the meaning to the story that is being told.  The grey line down the middle indicates the fold.  
Here is a different page layout on a black background for a different story.  The light grey light down the center indicates the fold.
Here, I have done a layout with the words reflecting - as is indicated in the story.  This particular story is about a dream and I have used the type to add to both the visual representation of the dream and the message the person receives when they wake up.  
Below are the original artworks before being place into the pages above.
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